
June 28, 2019
Happy Levitating, Fellow Movers and Fakirs,

Many readers (other than you) are now on "Administrative Leave" while their motives are being investigated.

And from giggly-happy admin-free prostration in the infinite hammock of pure viscous time, these readers reply with a question: "What is the motive for investigating motives? Why worry about the motive for bad stuff? Does knowing the motive for bad stuff prevent bad stuff? Wouldn't we have more fun figuring out the motives for good stuff? What's the relationship between motive and Administrative Leave?

Therefore, with your ambivalence to propel us, we will be studying the matter of Motive in 2020. . . 2020. That number there pongs of political turbulence, as the ocean of time slowly crashes on the beach of verisimilitude.

Reader Reply of the Week:
Many on Administrative Leave are musing from their hammocks,
"When, exactly, is July Fourth this year?" Unlike predictable Thanksgiving, which always falls on the third Thursday of November (but confusingly on a different date every year), July Fourth is on the same date, but a different day. Every year. Oy.

Thankfully, Mary Wallace has unearthed a local retailer promulgating a controversial, pro-active stance on the dicey matter.
A fruit seller risks it all for democracy!
(Lose the weird twin truncated trapezoidcicle.)
Fictionary Friday: Words You Need. Whether you know it or not.
Factitious (fak tish shus) Noun:  That which is true in one place only, and this isn’t it.
In a sentence:  Before leaving for the Fourth of July break, Senator Pecker —with no apparent motive—implicated the International Dateline in his factitious insistence that the Fourth falls on Friday this year.

Wikipedia Friday Favorite:
In honor of the intersection of curiosity and logarithmically expanding human knowledge, we offer a weekly favorite obscure Wikipedia page. This week, for all those on Good Motive Administrative Leave, as they lollygag in the hammock of time, we celebrate unsung silent letters in languages around the world:

Bonus Reader Reply of the Week - thanks to Steve Philbrook:
Fizzdom Friday

"No matter how many laws you pass,
you will still have one death per person." – Mark Twain

And in keeping with the theme, a free bonus Fizz from the Archives:
"I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it's hell."
Harry  S. Truman

Friday Fluff:
Our coiffure department has designed a new do, the "Mueller Mullet," expressly for the upcoming Bob Mueller congressional fiesta. Team Coiffure strongly recommends party in the front, hard-shaven bony skull business in the back, with a "hair tattoo" peace sign that’s halfway to a Mercedes Benz logo. "Fine distinction to keep ‘em guessing, because they’ll already be guessing," says lead coiffureist Dan Druff.

Write if (do) or (do not) identify a motive for Administrative Leave.


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PPPS: Access the complete archive of past Flossophy Fridays, from the very beginning.
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