May 1, 2020

Happy Mayday, Fellow Alarmists,

We purposely didn’t tell you until it’s too late that April is Emotional Overeating Awareness Month. Perfect alignment with a month in quarantine!

Oy. So much going on. With so little to do. And repeating nagging questions, like, what are we going to overeat? How will we procure the ingredients? Do we wash them before refrigerating?

Glad you asked. We have some heavy recipes, and a great plan to go with them. It’s simple: First, we give you a list of recipes and you select one. Then we provide the ingredients list, and you send the actual ingredients back to us (pre-washed, please). Then we’ll make the thing, taste it, and if it’s any good we’ll tell you all about it.

Plus it’s National Poetry Month. Or was. April. It was really great. Poetic, actually, if you get the drift. You might have missed it due to all the noise about Emotional Overeating Awareness.

Poetry Month is, frankly, better than Emotional Overeating Awareness Month, and plenty emotional, by the way. So without further ado, forthwith, we share some palpable porous spongy crumbly poetic finger food for your "quarantino aperitivo".
by Barbara Crooker

Here's how to make a great sandwich:
country white bread lightly toasted,
contoured with mayonnaise, leaf
lettuce spilling over the borders,
overlays of tomatoes, train tracks
of bacon leading straight
out of town. No need for road
maps, potato chips, or pickles.
Yes, winter is waiting, just over
the horizon. But right now, I'm
going to sit in the sun and listen
to birdsong. I'm going to eat
every crumb, every plottable
coordinate, now, while I can.

The Morning News
By Alberto Ríos

Seasons will not be still,
Filled with the migrations of birds

Making their black script on the open sky,
Those hasty notes of centuries-old goodbye.

The clouds and the heavens make a memo book,
A diary of it all, if only for a day.

The birds write much, but then rewrite all the time,
News continuous, these small pencil tips in flight.

They are not alone in the day’s story.
Jets, too, make their writing on the blue paper —

Jets, and at night, satellites and space stations.
Like it or not, we are all subscribers to the world’s newspaper

Written big in the frame of the window in front of us.
Today, we wave to neighborhood riders on horses.

We hear the woodpecker at work on the chimney.
There is news everywhere.

All this small courage,
So that we might turn the page.

You Be the Verb

an open box
on its side
facing east
Fictionary Friday: Words You Need. Whether you know it or not.
Endzyme (ennd zyym) Verb:  Eating one too many things that are good for you.
In a sentence:  In an effort to boost everyone’s immune system, Brock Lee served bok choy sous vide with whipped cream and a tawny port.
Wikipedia Friday Favorite:
In honor of the intersection of curiosity and logarithmically expanding human knowledge, we offer a weekly favorite obscure Wikipedia page. Just when we need a poet whose name rhymes with covid, from ancient Rome, where timely meets timeless, please welcome Ovid!

Fizzdom Friday: from our collection of favorite quotes.
"It is difficult to get the news from poems, yet men die miserably every day
for lack of what is found there."
– William Carlos Williams

"Trying to determine what is going on in the world by reading newspapers
is like trying to tell the time by watching the second hand of a clock."
– Ben Hecht

Flossophy of Fongress Library:
Just in time for Emotional Overeating Awareness Month, rather, Century + 20!
Write if you (do) or (do not) become poetically alarmed.
Poetically Alarmingly Yours,

PS: If you're not going to submit anything for next week, do not click here.

PPS: If this was forwarded to you - lucky you! Subscribe here.

PPPS: Access the complete archive of past Flossophy Fridays, from the very beginning.
Everything is Happening at Once, is now available on Amazon,
in print or e-book.
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