
April 10, 2020
Happy Honking, Geesers,

Staff and everyone in contiguous bunkers lament that the entire freaking cosmos is circling the drain. And since everyone is taking it personally, the Mood Police show up and order everyone outside. "Scour the area," barks Lieutenant Boyle. "Go on out there and find something worth finding."

Whatever. Mind if we call you Lance? No answer. Everyone goes outside.

Fortunately, time is standing still, so nobody knows or cares what day it is or was or will be and / or when it will end. At any rate, it feels good to get out and peck around in reality for something worth finding, Lance Boyle or no Lance Boyle.

But then along comes Officer Kiljoy, who orders everyone inside, and he seems somewhat annoyed.
"Now" that "time" is standing still and nobody knows what day it is, we hereby thank Finder of the Week Joe Choo of Macon, Georgia, who pecked around in the ether and found one of the missing links in the space/time continuum:

"Chronosa is a planet on which the dimension of Time is dominant to the dimension of Space, where you can see time in rolling landscapes the way we view mountains and valleys. So teenagers kill space instead of time. We seem to be heading that way. We count our journeys not by miles, but by hours. We get paid by the hour. We’re charged by the minute and win or lose by fractions of seconds. Our first encounter with aliens may not happen in space, it may happen in time, when we finally know what day it is."

Time Stands Still While Circling the Drain
Which brings us to Stamps & Rocks because rocks are so old they never know what day it is, plus now we have "Forever" stamps.
Stamps & Rocks. Forever.
Franchises available, at least as long as time stands still. Maybe a little longer. People always want stamps and rocks, and the genius of this opportunity is obvious: you could get stamps and rocks here! Forever!
Fictionary Friday: Words You Need. Whether you know it or not.
Equernity (eeee kwerr nit tee) Noun:  More of the same forever.
In a sentence:  Presently, there is no funny way to use the word equernity in a sentence. Check back in a few months, or years, or decades. Don't call us. We'll call you.

Wikipedia Friday Favorite:
In honor of the intersection of curiosity and logarithmically expanding human knowledge, we offer a weekly favorite obscure Wikipedia page. Appropriate when considering the various frictions of soap, virus molecules and surfaces.

Fizzdom Friday: another two-fer from our collection of favorite quotes.
"The future, like everything else, is not what it used to be."
Paul Valery

"Never look at the big picture." – Daniela Wyatt-Shew

Flossophy of Fongress Volume of the Week:
As time abounds, some find they still can't find the time.

Write if you (do) or (do not) know what day it is.

Yours in the Time / Space Continuum,

PS: If you're not going to submit anything for next week, do not click here.

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PPPS: Access the complete archive of past Flossophy Fridays, from the very beginning.
Everything is Happening at Once, is now available on Amazon,
in print or e-book.
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