
December 13, 2019

Happy GIF Rapping, Fellow Graphic Interchange Formats,

With Friday the 13th luck, it’s once again Reader Reply of the Week Week, because . . . Mondegreen! (You know, mondegreen from last week: "A series of words that result from the misinterpretation of a statement or song lyric.")

Elsa Woodaman, loving the lyrics to Attention, by Charlie Puth: "You've been runnin' around, runnin' around, throwing that turtle on my neck." Except how can you run around and carry a turtle at the same time? On your neck?  I don't run or own a turtle, so I'm not the person to ask! Nor does anyone else need to ask because the lyrics are actually, "You've been runnin' round, runnin' round, throwing that dirt all on my name."

Chris Cox: My mom, an elementary school music teacher, asked the second-grade kids to write out and illustrate the lyrics to "The Star Spangled Banner." The winner was: "O'er the rams parts we watched were so gallantly streaming," with a drawing of sheep being flung over the battlements at bewildered redcoats.

Tom Kelley: More patriotic mondegreens! Who doesn’t love the national anthem, for all of North America: "José can you see, by the dawn’s early light." And of course, here’s the fabulously timely, "Deck us all with Boston Charlie."

Drew Brookie, as a wee tot without much religious education, thought the line in Joy to the World was, "We’re havin’ a nature sing", not "Heaven and Nature sing."

Burnely Hayes: In tandem with patriotism and religion. Reciting the Lord’s prayer, "Our Father who art in heaven, Howard be they name." (Hi Howard! Love ya’!)    

Monroe Sytner, not to be outdone in the religion department, was leading the prayer service at a Boy Scout camp, and instead of exalted: "Our God, King of the universe, great, mighty, and exhausted . . ."

Whew! Howard needs a nap!

Fictionary Friday: Words You Need. Whether you know it or not.
Bafflequate (baff fell kwate) Verb: Getting lost in the word forest.
In a sentence: During the impeachment hearings the Representatives bafflequated so loquaciously that Search and Rescue Teams were dispatched to extract them.

Fizzdom Friday: from our collection of favorite quotes.
"The difference between the wrong word and the right word is the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning. " Mark Twain

Wikipedia Friday Favorite:
In honor of the intersection of curiosity and logarithmically expanding human knowledge, we offer a weekly favorite obscure Wikipedia page. This week we offer what may be considered a visual complement to mondegreen.

In Other Seasonal News . . .
As the end of the year approaches like a freight train stuffed with helium, the entire community is wildly excited about committee reorganization! Special thanks to whomever served as chairperson of the Chair Committee. Everyone liked sitting with you.
Chairing a meeting of the Chair Committee.
It’s a sensitive issue, but the Chair Committee may not be a standing committee next year. And, well, we would say that reorganization is in process, except the term implies a prior organization did, in fact, exist. The matter is ripe for investigation, best handled by the Boredom Committee.
The Boredom Committee, Not Really Trying
Anyhow, the big take-away is that any way you slice it, life is above average. (Staff is studying alternatives.)

Write if you (do) or (do not) know the fourth verse of
The Spar Strangled Banana.

Yours from deep in the word forest,

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PPPS: Access the complete archive of past Flossophy Fridays, from the very beginning.
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